About me

I’m Kiril Shterev

Associate Professor at Institute of Mechanics – BAS

Department: Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulations

I’ve started my scientific career at 2003.

Launched in 2021 as a space for creative scientists, Ph.D. students and enthusiasts this site is a honest source of information of go-getters from all around the world.”

You can find here my latest papers and some information about numerical methods and examples for the DSMC and SIMPLE-TS methods.

If you search information like fundamental thoughts or actual applications feel right at home here.

In my work field, in general, the scientific literature is very specific and sometimes I had difficulties to find the correct sources of information.

You can find C++ code that I’ve developed for pressure based finite volume method for calculation of compressible viscous gas flows.

Write me here:

kshterev at yahoo.com

kshterev at imbm.bas.bg Click here to visit my ResearchGate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kiril_Shterev